To come to Cumbuco it is not necessary to get any vaccinations, there are no serious diseases in this area of Brazil. In the rainy season there is a case of dengue fever but it is not usual, nothing out of the ordinary in these tropical areas, anyway that happens during the three months of low season that increases the presence of mosquitoes and the risk of bites, but easily avoidable using a good repellent and if necessary wear light and long clothes in the moments of more activity - sunrise and sunset -
In case you need medical services there is a clinic and pediatrics in Cumbuco itself at the end of the main street. They attend every day and have a fast and excellent attention.
Here you have all the contact information:
Telef: +55 85 3404 1592
Whatsapp: +55 85 99824 1979
In case of an emergency it is perfect to go first to the clinic for a first evaluation - and if necessary - they will refer you to the most appropriate place, because as much in Caucaia as in Pecem there are UPA (Units of prompt attention) with a fast and very effective service, perfectly adapted to the urgency of each situation.
Telef- +55 85 3342 1804 - Rua Tobias Correia, s/n - Centro, Caucaia - CE, 02566-000
Telef- +55 85 3315 1111 - Rua do Cajueiro, R. São Gonçalo, S/N, São Gonçalo do Amarante - CE, 63500-000

In case you need a hospital in Fortaleza, there are also -public and private- Here you have the 3 most known and easiest to access and attend from Cumbuco:
Hospital Monte Klinikum
Rua República do Líbano, 747 - Meireles, Fortaleza - CE, 60160-140, Brasil
+55 85 4012-0012
Abelardo Gadelha da Rocha Hospital
7962+82 Caucaia - Jurema, Caucaia - Ceará, Brasil
+55 85 3442 8113
Av. Tristão Gonçalves, 1367 - Centro, Fortaleza - CE, 60015-001, Brasil
+55 85 3033-3351
And here you have a general list of all the hospitals in the area:

Emergency Assistance Service
Assistance 24 hours
Telephone: 192 ( freephone)